Activity: Draw A Car
1. Before any big project, plan it with a pencil: here is a car.
Pick a good starting point.
- What color do we want? For red:
pen red
- A circle has 360 degrees, so we can draw a wheel:
rt 360,20
pen red
rt 360,20
2. Draw the next line.
- Which direction do we want to turn? To turn left:
lt 90
- How far do we want to move? Experiment with sizes:
fd 60
pen red
rt 360,20
lt 90
fd 60
3. Turn and then draw the next part.
- Remember to turn the turtle in the direction we want.
- There are 360 degrees in a whole circle and 180 degrees in a half circle.
- If we draw 360 + 180 = 540 degrees, we will end up halfway around the
circle again!
pen red
rt 360,20
lt 90
fd 60
lt 90
rt 540,20
fd 10
rt 90,20
4. Continue on your own, figuring out angles and arcs to draw the rest
of the car.
- 90 degrees make a quarter circle: that is exactly a square angle.
- 45 degrees make an eighth of a circle: that will give you a slope.