1. Make a web page by renaming your untitled document to a name
ending with ".html", like "mypage.html". Type the text "My Page
as the code, and press the "play" triangle.
My Page
Once you save it, your page is published on the web. Next we will add code in three languages:
2. Add HTML tags: <h1>My Page</h1>
makes a heading, and
<p>It is <em>so cool</em></p>
makes a paragraph
with some emphasis.
Notice the matching
nested <em>...</em>
, and
and <hr>
for a horiztonal rule.
look up [HTML tags] on Google.
<h1>My Page</h1> <hr> <p>It is <em>so cool</em></p>
3. Add a <style>...</style>
element, which lets you write in the CSS language
on the page.
h1 { background: pink; }
applies a pink background to all
<style> h1 { background: pink; } em { font-size: 250%; color: royalblue; } </style> <h1>My Page</h1> <hr> <p>It is <em>so cool</em></p>
4. Try adding scripts using two <script> elements.
<script src="/turtlebits.js"></script>
to load a turtle
and CoffeeScript library from the web,
then write
<script type="text/coffeescript">
and add the code below.
, fd
and rt
: the reference is on
and other things: look up
[coffeescript tutorial]
on Google.
<style> h1 { background: pink; } em { font-size: 250%; color: royalblue; } </style> <h1>My Page</h1> <hr> <p>It is <em>so cool</em></p> <script src="/turtlebits.js"></script> <script type="text/coffeescript"> $.turtle() # start the turtle pen 'gold' # pick a color for [1..4] # repeat four times: fd 100 # forward 100 pixels rt 144 # right turn 144 degrees </script>
5. Try changing your code to animate text instead.
cool = $('em')
the variable "cool" to refer to the set of
function that
scripts HTML is from
the jQuery library, which comes with
... <script src="/turtlebits.js"></script> <script type="text/coffeescript"> cool = $('p') # select the <p> element cool.width 150 # set its width to 150 cool.speed 1 # set its speed to 1 cool.pen 'gold' # pick a color for [1..4] # repeat four times: cool.bk 100 # backward 100 pixels cool.rt 144 # left turn 144 degrees </script>