Making a Custom Race Track

Do this on

pen gold, 50
fd 150
rt 180, 75
lt 90, 100
rt 90, 50
rt 180, 150

You can draw a wide or narrow track with turns or wiggles by using pen, rt, lt, and fd:

pen gold, 50 uses a gold-colored pen that draws a line 50 pixels wide.
fd 150 moves the turtle (drawing a line with a pen) forward by 150 pixels.
rt 90 pivots the turtle, without moving, right by 90 degrees.
rt 180, 75 turns the turtle 180 degrees to the right, while tracing out a circle of radius 75.
lt 90, 100 turns the turtle 90 degrees to the left, while tracing out a circle of radius 100.

The diagrams below can be used to help plan curves.

await loadscript '/lib/angles.cs', defer()
jumpto 0, -25
label 'lt 90,50',
  fontSize: '120%'
  fontFamily: 'Source Code Pro'
jumpto -48, 25
plan ->
  css { turtleRotation: '-90deg' }
label '50 pixels',
  fontSize: '80%'
jumpto 25, 0
pen gold, 10
lt 90, 50
r = 100
pen silver, 2
for turn in [rt, lt]
  for d in [30..360] by 30
    turn 30, r
    turn 90; fd 5
    jump 0, 20
    remember = direction()
    turnto 0
    label d
    turnto remember
    jump 0, -20
    bk 5; turn 270
jumpto r, 0
label 'rt',
  fontSize: '200%'
  fontFamily: 'Source Code Pro'
jumpto -r, 0
label 'lt',
  fontSize: '200%'
  fontFamily: 'Source Code Pro'
pen gray, 3
rt 48, r
pen path
fd 2; rt 150
for [1..3]
  fd 10; rt 120
fill gray
pen gray, 3
lt 48, r
pen path
fd 2; rt 150
for [1..3]
  fd 10; rt 120
fill gray
await loadscript '/lib/angles.cs', defer()
jumpto 0, -25
label 'rt 90,50',
  fontSize: '120%'
  fontFamily: 'Source Code Pro'
jumpto 48, 25
plan ->
  css { turtleRotation: 90 }
label '50 pixels',
  fontSize: '80%'
jumpto -25, 0
pen gold, 10
rt 90, 50
jumpto 0, -25
label 'lt 60,100',
  fontSize: '120%'
  fontFamily: 'Source Code Pro'
jumpto 30, 0
pen gold, 10
lt 60, 100
jumpto 0, -25
label 'lt 180,30',
  fontSize: '120%'
  fontFamily: 'Source Code Pro'
jumpto 30, 0
pen gold, 10
lt 180, 30
label 'rt 360,70',
  fontSize: '120%'
  fontFamily: 'Source Code Pro'
jumpto -70, 0
pen gold, 10
rt 360,70
jumpto 0, -25
label 'rt 180,30',
  fontSize: '120%'
  fontFamily: 'Source Code Pro'
jumpto -30, 0
pen gold, 10
rt 180, 30
jumpto 0, -25
label 'rt 60,100',
  fontSize: '120%'
  fontFamily: 'Source Code Pro'
jumpto -30, 0
pen gold, 10
rt 60, 100