Proving the Pythagorean Theorem

Do this on

1. The following code defines a function called right that uses a new Turtle to quickly fill a right triangle with color k, with vertices at the origin (0, 0), the point (a, 0), and the point (0, b). Then it removes the turtle after the drawing is done.

right = (k, a, b) ->                      # Define a function right:
  p = new Turtle()                        # Create a turtle p.
  p.speed(Infinity)                       # Make it move instantly.
  p.moveto(0, 0).pen(path)                # Start a path at the origin,
  p.moveto(a, 0).moveto(0, b)             # go through each corner,
  p.fill(k)                               # and fill with color k.
  p.remove()                              # Then remove p.
right purple, 50, 80                      # Call the function.

2. A Sprite is an object that can be moved on the screen: the Pencil Code Turtle is a type of Sprite, but we can define our own.

Let's draw our triangle as a Sprite. The program below defines a new kind of sprite, RightTriangle. Then we make one with new RightTriangle(purple, 50, 80) and turn it right 60°:

class RightTriangle extends Sprite        # Define RightTriangle as a subclass of Sprite.
  constructor: (k, a, b) ->               # Define how a RightTriangle is made:
    super { width: 2*a, height: 2*b }     # Make the sprite 2a×2b.
    p = new Turtle()                      # Create a turtle p.
    p.speed(Infinity)                     # Make it move instantly.
    p.drawon(@)                           # Draw on this new sprite!
    p.moveto(0, 0).pen(path)              # Start a path at the origin,
    p.moveto(a, 0).moveto(0, b)           # go through each corner,
    p.fill(k)                             # and fill with color k.
    p.remove()                            # Then remove p.

r = new RightTriangle(purple, 50, 80)     # Create a RightTriangle,
r.rt 60                                   # and turn it a bit.

Understanding this program:

3. Write the following program to create and arrange four RightTriangle sprites to show a square with area (a+b)2 containing a square with area c2:

class RightTriangle extends Sprite        # Define RightTriangle as before.
  constructor: (k, a, b) ->
    super { width: 2*a, height: 2*b }
    p = new Turtle()
    p.moveto(0, 0).pen(path)
    p.moveto(a, 0).moveto(0, b)
a = 50                                    # a is one leg length.
b = 80                                    # b is the other.
s = (a + b) / 2                           # s is half the sum.
h = for c, i in [red, gold, green, blue]  # Make four colors of
  t = new RightTriangle(c, a, b)          # new right triangles.
  t.rt(i * 90)                            # Turn the ith one by i×90°
  t.slide(-s, -s)                         # and move it left and back by s.
movexy(-s, -s)                            # Go to the lower-left corner.
pen black, 3                              # In black pen,
for [1..4]                                # draw a square of
  fd(a + b).rt(90)                        # dimension a+b.

The triangle has short sides of length a and b. Let's call the length of the hypotenuse c.

4. Add the following click handler function to the end of the program:

class RightTriangle extends Sprite        # Define RightTriangle as before.
  constructor: (k, a, b) ->
    super { width: 2*a, height: 2*b }
    p = new Turtle()
    p.moveto(0, 0).pen(path)
    p.moveto(a, 0).moveto(0, b)

a = 50                                    # a is one leg length.
b = 80                                    # b is the other.
s = (a + b) / 2                           # s is half the sum.

h = for c, i in [red, gold, green, blue]  # Make four colors of
  t = new RightTriangle(c, a, b)          # new right triangles.
  t.rt(i * 90)                            # Turn the ith one by i×90°
  t.slide(-s, -s)                          # and move it left and back by s.
movexy(-s, -s)                            # Go to the lower-left corner.
pen black, 3                              # In black pen,
for [1..4]                                # draw a square of
  fd(a + b).rt(90)                        # dimension a+b.
# Add the code below to the end of program 3.

d = 1                                     # d is a toggle.
click ->                                  # On each click,
  h[1].movexy(d * a, 0)                   # three triangles sslide
  h[2].movexy(-d * b, -d * a)             # to a new position
  h[3].movexy(0, d * b)                   # depending on d, then
  d = -d                                  # d flips sign.

Understanding this program:

Each time you click in the window, the triangles move to a new position, and the value of the variable d flips between +1 and -1, so that the triangles move back when you click again. The array h contains the four RightTriangle sprites: the red one is h[0]; gold is h[1]; green is h[2]; and blue is h[3]. The code h[1].movexy(d * a, 0) moves the gold triangle d * a in the x direction.

Thinking about the math: